Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Basket Trading, Insider Trading and Price Band

Basket trading: This enables the generation of portfolio offline order files in the derivatives trading system and its execution in the cash segment. A trading member can buy or sell a portfolio through a single order, once he determines its size. The system automatically works out the quantity of each security to be bought or sold in proportion to their weights in the portfolio.
Insider trading: It is prohibited and is considered an offence. The SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 1992 prohibit an insider from dealing (on his own behalf or on behalf of others) in listed securities when in possession of ‘unpublished price sensitive information’ or communicate, counsel or procure directly or indirectly any unpublished price sensitive information to any person who while in possession of such unpublished price sensitive information should not deal in securities. Price sensitive information is any information, which if published, is likely to materially affect the price of the securities of a company.
Price Bands or Circuit Breakers: SEBI has prescribed a system of price bands. The price bands or circuit breakers bring about a coordinated trading halt in all equity and equity derivatives markets nation-wide. An index-based market-wide circuit breaker system at three stages of the index movement either way at 10%, 15% and 20% has been prescribed. The breakers are triggered by movement of either S&P CNX Nifty or Sensex, whichever is breached earlier. As an additional measure of safety, individual scrip-wise price bands have been fixed as below:
•Daily price bands of 2% (either way) on securities as specified by the Exchange.
•Daily price bands of 5% (either way) on securities as specified by the Exchange.
•Daily price bands of 10% (either way) on securities as specified by the Exchange.
•No price bands are applicable on: scrips on which derivative products are available or scrips included in indices on which derivative products are available. In order to prevent members from entering orders at non-genuine prices in such securities, the Exchange has fixed operating range of 20% for such securities.
•Price bands of 20% (either way) on all remaining scrips (including debentures, warrants, preference shares etc).

1 comment:

  1. That's true that a trading member can buy or sell a portfolio through a single order, once he determines its size.


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